You can insert helpful variables in the title/description of your items.
To view all the variables available in your location (e.g. question, closing screen), type the recall character - @.
This is an example of what you could see when typing @ in a personality quiz result:
Following are a few parameter examples:
Personality quiz result parameters
{result rank #1 title} - displays the title of the result that got the most association points in the quiz
{result rank #1 percent} - displays the % of association points of the result that got the most points compared to all the points allocated to all the results
Learn how you can display multiple results in your personality quiz.
Trivia quiz result parameters
{Number correct} - displays the number of questions that were answered correctly
{Percent correct} - displays the percentage of questions that were answered correctly
{Number of questions} - displays the number of questions in the quiz
Retrieve answers to questions in follow-up questions
For example, you could ask the user's name in one question and then refer to the user's name in a follow-up question.